Elephants are the largest land mammals on Earth. Watching them walk majestically, playing in water, caring for their little ones is treat to eyes. One such place where we can witness all of these is at Sakkarebailu/Sakkarebyle. Sakkarebailu is a forest camp for captive elephants. Read through to know more about Sakkarebyle.
- Sakkarebailu Elephant Camp
- How to reach Sakkarebailu/Sakkarebyle?
- Fun facts about Elephants
- What not to do at Sakkarebailu
Sakkarebailu Elephant Camp
Sakkarebailu or Sakkarebyle is a forest camp for captive Elephants at Shimoga. This place has a reputation of being the best camp for training elephants in the state of Karnataka. Karnataka Forest Department maintains Sakkarebyle elephant camp.
Sakkarebailu is a heaven for wildlife enthusiasts, particularly Elephant enthusiasts. One can have a look at these huge mammals, understand the lifestyle of elephants from close proximity. Elephants playing in the backwaters of River Tunga is a delight to watch.

How to reach Sakkarebailu/Sakkarebyle?
Sakkarebailu is located at a distance of 14 kms from Shimoga, Karnataka, on the Shimoga- Thirtahalli road. Shimoga is at a distance of 300kms from Bangalore and approximately takes 5 hours to reach from Bangalore. There are a number of buses and trains to Shimoga from Bangalore, Karnataka.

Sakkarebailu is open all through the year between 8AM and 11 AM. Elephants return back to forest after 11 AM. Visit before 11 AM to meet and greet elephants.
Fun facts about Elephants
- Elephants are the smartest and most compassionate animals on Planet Earth.
- Elephant’s trunk weighs around 400 pounds(181 kgs).
- Elephants are very sensitive animals, they grieve for the loss of their dear ones.
- Elephants hug their ears to greet other elephants.
- African Bush elephants are the largest mammals on Earth.
- Elephants are vegetarians. They eat only grass, fruits, plants.
- Elephants love water. They love to bathe, swim and play in water.
- Elephants use trunks as snorkels while swimming.

What not to do at Sakkarebailu.
- Do not take photos with flash. Flash photography might aggitate elephants.
- Do not feed any elephants with store brought items. Feed only those food prepared by mahuts(Elephant trainers)
- Don’t pollute the place by throwing garbage/plastics etc.
- Avoid playing in the backwaters of River Tunga.
- Don’t go very close to any elephant.