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United States of America
United States of America (USA) commonly known as U.S or America is a country in North America comprising of 50 states .
The stars in the US flag represent 50 states. Washington D.C is the Capital of USA.
It borders Canada to the North and Mexico to the South.
From Arctic Tundra in Alaska to the tropical weather in Hawaii, USA offers wide variety to explore.
Things to consider while travelling in United States of America
- Greet People
If you see any person while walking down the street or public places or in a building and have an eye contact then greet them with a smile Or you can just say “Hi” or just nod your head to acknowledge other person.
- Have Some extra money just to “TIP”
There is no such place in US where tip isn’t accepted. Tip will generally not be included in your restaurant bill however you can mention the tip amount you wish to give in the bill based on which the total amount will be calculated. How much Tip ?? Minimum 15% is expected. NOTE: If you are 6 or more people then restaurant might add a gratuity about 18%. Make sure to check it in your bill.
- USA uses imperial System of measurement
USA, Myanmar and Liberia are the only three countries in the world which uses Imperial Measurement system . Miles is used instead of Kilometer and Temperature is measured in Fahrenheit and not Centigrade. It might be confusing for first time visitors. Below are some of the conversions that come handy
- 1 Mile = 1.6 kilometer
- 1 Pound = 454 grams
- 0 Degree Celsius = 32 Degrees Fahrenheit
- Renting a Car
If you have a Driving license in English issued by your home country then you can rent a car and drive in USA. Note : Left side driving. Public transport is minimal in US, so renting a car is a convenient option to explore USA. Make sure to purchase insurance when you rent a car.